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Eric Feil, COO of Dan’s Papers, Discusses “Dan’s Cover”

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Eric Feil, Chief Operating Officer and Editorial Director at Dan’s Papers will be the featured speaker at The Reboli Center’s “Third Friday” program on February 21 from 6pm – 8pm. There will also be an artist’s reception. The event is free and open to the public.

Dan’s Papers’ covers are as well-known as their articles inside covering art, fashion, design, food, and people. Each week a work of art is showcased on the cover and a question and answer column with the artist is in that magazine’s edition.  In 1987, Dan Rattiner, the founder of Dan’s Papers, decided to promote the art community by using artwork of Long Island artists on its covers. Elaine DeKooning was the first cover artist for Dan’s Papers. This year they are celebrating 60 years of covers by artists.

“Mr. Feil will offer inside information on the creation of the artist covers, sharing engaging facts and anecdotes,” said Lois Reboil, a founder of the Reboli Center and wife of the late artist Joe Reboli.

Joe Reboli had five artworks on Dan’s covers.  “It was always an honor for him to be asked to do a cover and he was always very proud when he was featured,” said Lois Reboli. Other noted artists whose covers and artwork are on display include Casey Chalem Anderson, Marc Dalessio, Keith Mantell, Lynn Mara, Lynn Matsuoka, Mickey Paraskevas, Daniel Pollera, Doug Reina, Gia Schifano, Mike Stanko, Ty Stroudsburg and Charles Wildbank.

Dan’s Covers at The Reboli Center is on exhibit now through April 26. The Center is located at 64 Main Street, Stony Brook. The hours are Tuesday – Saturday 11am – 5pm and Sunday from 1pm – 5pm. For more information, please call 631-751-7707 or go to its website at

Joe Reboli’s “The Artist’s Easel” was featured on the May 29, 1998 cover of Dan’s Papers.