Every Picture Paints a Story
Featuring a Collection of Works by Mickey Paraskevas along with the works of Joseph Reboli
From August 29th through November 5th, 2023, we will be exhibiting EVERY PICTURE PAINTS A STORY, an astonishing exhibition featuring 365 works by Mickey Paraskevas. Each painting different from the last, the collection by Paraskevas features brilliantly vibrant landscapes, still lives, studies and abstractions which were painted daily over the course of 2022. In this exhibition we will also feature a selection of original works by Joseph Reboli which showcase a relative sense of surrealism within his representations. In our Englebright Gallery room, visitors will enjoy a historic sub-exhibit with more details to come. Featured artwork (above) by Mickey Paraskevas.
Artworks by Mickey Paraskevas
“…the main bulk of my work over the past 12 years has been digital, whether it was for a children’s book or development for an animated series. As much as I enjoyed all the books and development art and character designs that I generated over the years, I missed the physical act of painting. I painted here and there but I really missed the day to day feeling of paint on a brush. I missed getting up every morning and simply applying paint to paper or canvas. I was now burned out working on the iPad.
I have always kept sketchbooks of ideas. And sometimes I would look at something I drew and thought..well, I don’t really want to take the time to paint this idea 5 x5 feet. But if it was small… I could at least get it out of my system.
So, on January 1 of 2022 I took a small 8x8 hardboard canvas, a panel, and I started a project, that at first, was going to last a month. A painting a day for a month. I thought to myself. That’s a nice goal. I’d have 31 small paintings by the end of the month… …But it wasn’t long into January that I decided that I might be able to keep this up for a year and by the end of 2022 I would have 365 paintings. I would have an exhibit somewhere in 2023.” - Mickey Paraskevas
Artworks by Mickey Paraskevas
We are so delighted that Mickey Paraskevas has chosen to exhibit with us at The Reboli Center. We are confident that you will enjoy this massive collection as much as we do and that you will find Paraskevas’s works pairs well with the Joseph Reboli originals that will also be on display.
Our regular business hours are Tuesdays - Saturdays, 11am - 5pm and Sundays, 1pm - 5pm. No reservations are required to visit during business hours. Reservations are however recommended for large groups or guests seeking guided tours.